Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Western Movie Taglines Blog Series - June Movie Taglines #movietaglines #westernmovies

My 2024 blogging series, Western Movie Taglines, began in January when I explained what a tagline is and gave examples of good non-western movie taglines followed by several disappointing taglines from western movies.

In February, I shared 15 western movie taglines that were clever or witty, real groaners, or just plain silly. March through September, I will share 10 movie taglines each month. October through December will be the Top 40 Countdown of Best Western Movie Taglines.

I compiled a list of 250 westerns and their taglines. From that 250, I plucked out the best 125 to share between February and December. These 125 taglines range from good to outstanding as far as doing justice to their corresponding movies.

The Top 40 taglines are the ones that capture and sum up the heart of the movie in such a fabulous way that we're amazed at how a handful of words can be that powerful or theme-descriptive. Also in December, I will 1) share taglines I've written for two western movies and one early-settling of the American frontier movie that deserved better taglines and, 2) offer a downloadable document of the 250 movies and taglines that I compiled.

January Movie Taglines

February Movie Taglines

March Movie Taglines

April Movie Taglines

May Movie Taglines

Onward to the June Western Movie Taglines—

100 Rifles

The man-hunger who captured a town. The hunted gun-runner who sabotaged a train. The tigress who seduced an army.

Alvarez Kelly (1966)
The renegade adventurer and the reckless colonel

Conagher (1991)
Outlaws, rustlers, thieves. No one ever took anything away from Conagher…until she stole his heart.
None tougher. None faster. None deadlier.

Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
First contact. Last stand.

Gunfight at the O. K. Corral (1963)
The wildest gunfight in the history of the West!

The Missouri Breaks (1976)
One steals. One kills. One dies.

 Ned Kelly (2003)

When the law tried to silence him, a legend was born.
You can kill a man. But not a legend.

Purgatory (1999)
For a band of outlaws, the only thing worse than being bad is spending eternity being good.

The Virginian (2000)
Times change, heroes remain the same.

Young Billy Young (1969)
Billy better learn fast…or die young!

See you in July with the next ten western movie taglines.

Kaye Spencer 


  1. 100 Rifles made me laugh. I did really like the Cowboys and Aliens and Purgatory taglines. Thanks again for offering up this look into movies and marketing. Doris

    1. The 100 Rifles tagline makes me cringe. hahaha The Purgatory tagline is delightfully tongue in cheek. ;-)
