Tuesday, December 24, 2024

December 24, 2024 and a Look Back

Post (C) Doris McCraw

aka Angela Raines

Photo (C) Doris McCraw

This post will go live on December 24, 2024. It is also the final post for me for 2024. I have thought a lot about what this post would be. I settled on a look back.

2024, saw the series on this blog and the Prairie Rose Publications blog about the Civil War Veterans and Wives of Veterans who are buried in Evergreen Cemetery in Colorado Springs. The research, stories, and books that were a part of my journey have given me an even greater sense of what these people went through.

Photo (C) Doris McCraw

For those who would like to read more, here are some books I found worth my time:

"The Unvanquished" - Patrick O'Donnell

"The Tenth Minnesota Volunteers" - Michael A. Eggleston

"Three and a Half Years in the Army: Or History of the Second Colorados" - Ellen Williams

"The Three-Cornered War" - Megan Kate Nelson

2024 was also a year of loss.

I lost a friend on May 1, 2024. She'd had two strokes at different times, and she finally left us in May.           Go Rest High on that Mountain - Home Free

We also lost Western Writers Robert J. Randisi and Kit Prate and other notable personalities.

Photo (C) Doris McCraw

What I do know - If it were not for those who came before us, we would not be who we are and can become. 

I want to take the time and use this post as a thank you to all who left a legacy, large or small. Without their courage, vision, and efforts, I and others would be the poorer for it.

As we move through the Holiday Season, I wish everyone the best time possible and the fulfillment of dreams in the coming year.


Until Next Time: Stay safe, Stay happy, and Stay healthy. 



  1. Doris, what a lovely post and tribute to those we have lost this past year. Thank you for sharing this!

  2. Doris, that is very well said, and a very nice tribute to those who have passed on. I think you are very right about those who leave a legacy, no matter the "size" of it--who can count how important another person's legacy is, really? It means different things to different people, but all of it is important to someone. Lots of good food for thought here. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, my friend!

    1. Thank you for the words of support. I've always felt that we leave something behind to those we connect with, even if just an email or book, or just a smile to a stranger. We may never know what difference we made, but I want it to be a positive one.

      I also wish you and all those you love and care about the best Holiday Season, Christmas and New Years included, and wonderful offerings in 2025. You will always have a special place in my heart for all you have done for me over the years. Doris
