The Christmas season is upon us, and you all know what that
means. Well, besides the end-of-year writing deadlines and book releases! Even
we head-in-the-clouds writers are expected to hang a wreath on a fence post and
shove a little something in the oven in case relatives or neighbors drop by. I
suggest any recipe with apples and cinnamon. With that heavenly scent in the
air, no one will notice that your Christmas tree has a list to starboard, or
that the gifts underneath are still in Target bags.
When you spend your time writing about the people and events
of a century and a half ago, you begin to see everything–even holidays– through
the lens of history. For instance, when did we switch from buying things in
burlap bags, then wrapping them in pretty boxes to buying things in pretty
boxes and wrapping them in burlap? (I'm amazed by the smallest things.)
Many works of historical fiction include family scenes that
take place at Christmas, the Fourth of July, and other holidays. It is not safe to assume that people always
observed those occasions in the same ways that we do. For instance, it wasn’t
until the 1850s that celebrating Christmas really took hold in the United
States, and each community was likely to decorate one tree in the center of
town rather than display them in their homes. Strangely, tomato soup was a
favored dish for St. Valentine’s Day, as were other red, white, or pink foods. And where did I find such a holiday trivia tidbit?

As luck would have it, my cowgirlfriend Sherry Monahan has
just released a wonderful book called Tinsel,
Tumbleweeds, and Star-Spangled Celebrations: Holidays on the Frontier from New
Year’s to Christmas. (Like me, Sherry can often be found whipping up dishes in
the kitchen when she’s not writing.) Included are holiday family customs, historic
accounts, decorating notes, and tons of authentic recipes right out of the
1800s. It’s a great reference tool, not to mention a fine Christmas gift for your
writer friends.
Here’s an excerpt regarding gift ideas:
The list of gift suggestions
that were advertised in local papers ran the gamut from fun to practical and
included items for adults and children alike. Here’s just a small sampling of
nineteenth-century Christmas presents:
writing desks and portfolios
cases and diaries, photographic albums
and backgammon boards
stationery, gold pens
teas, fancy French or American bonbons
machines, stoves
boxes, knives, clothing and material, hats
tea sets, cut glass, dinnerware
and china dolls and doll furniture
trains, animals, wooden toys
horses, blocks, games
Of course, we can assume that many gifts were handmade where
there was no access to a general store or mail-order catalog. Apples and
oranges were common stocking stuffers in years gone by.
Here is the recipe Sherry included for fruitcake, which she
adapted from the San Francisco Bulletin (1879). Yes, fruitcake has been around for
a very long time!
1 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
4 eggs, beaten
1 cup molasses
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of salt
1 ½ teaspoons cream of tartar
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon nutmeg, grated
1 cup milk
2 teaspoons brandy
2 pounds raisins
Rum flavoring (optional)
NOTE: You can substitute 2 teaspoons baking powder for
the cream of tartar and baking soda.
In a large bowl, cream the
butter and sugar together. Add the eggs, one at a time, and then the molasses
and mix until blended. In a separate bowl, combine the dry ingredients and
Combine milk and brandy.
Alternately add the flour and milk mixtures, beginning and ending with the
flour, stirring after each addition. Beat for an additional 2 minutes. Gently
fold in the raisins.
Pour into a greased and floured
loaf or ring pan and bake at 350° for about 1 hour and 20 minutes. Check for
doneness with a toothpick. Liberally apply rum flavoring, if desired.
Tinsels, Tumbleweeds, and
Star-Spangled Celebrations is chock full of historical info about all American holidays. HERE is the link to buy the book on Amazon.
And, if you see Sherry Monahan, tell her she owes me a cupcake or something.
The merriest
of Christmas holidays to you, my friends! Until next month–happy writing, happy
decorating, and happy eating.
All the best,
Vonn McKee
“Writing the Range”
2015 Western Fictioneers Peacemaker Finalist
(Short Fiction)
2015 Western Writers of America Spur Finalist
(Short Fiction)