1. Most exciting day of your life was???
I'll echo Frank Roderus and say the day I held my first book in my hands. I remember getting the first two copies before the rest of my contract copies came from Berkley, and my hands were sweating as I opened the package. If a fella can swoon, Mean Pete swooned when he held that book in his hands. Probably still the best cover on any book of mine.

2. My favorite food is???
If I can't claim beer as a food, then it has to be cheeseburgers and fries.

3. My favorite car I ever owned was???
'73 Chevy Silverado. Lime green with lots of chrome. Best truck I ever owned. Had it in high school, and if that bench seat could talk, I'd have to shoot it! Hah!
4. Something you may not know about me is that I...???
I love the old silent movies. And my favorite actor in them is Lon Chaney. I have most of his--those that have survived, that is--on DVD.
5. The best book I ever read is...???

That is one sweet cover Pete. My favorite silent movie actor is Yakima Canutt. Loved watching his stunts.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Livia. Great cover, and seeing it wrapped around your words had to be a thrill. BUT, I think the second photo you provided has real possibilities for a book cover. All that's needed is a title.
ReplyDeleteThat could be a band name: Mean Pete and the Swooners. The cover is swoon-worthy, though.
ReplyDeleteLon Chaney's an all-time great!
ReplyDeleteI love those old movies. The beginning of Hollywood. I've been reading about the Fatty Arbuckle scandal recently, and the three trials, and about how it all blighted his career, even though he was finally acquitted and received an apology.
ReplyDeleteAlso fascinating that so many stars of the silent era couldn't make the transition to the talkies, which I suppose is what the movie The Artist is all about.
Then there was Lon Chaney Jr, whom I remember from those classic horror movies, and as Chingachgook in Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans.
Pete, I would swoon over that cover too! First class!
ReplyDeleteNothing wrong with burgers and beer either.
Duke Hiroi, the only Japanese member of WWA, and I had buffalo burgers in Sedona AZ. Gooooood stuff, and something Duke still brags about. Western Union meeting tomorrow in Tokyo, where all the western geeks get together to swap tall tales.
ReplyDeleteLove the cover also. Lon Chaney also a favorite. Born here in Colorado Springs. His parents were both deaf and his grandparents started the deaf and blind school located here in 1874.
ReplyDeleteVery enjoyable post and enjoy your work.